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Du'a for my future husband ...

"Yaa, Allaah, if you prepare a soul for You to be my partner life's to the marriage bond, then please, Allaah, point his soul to Your way in still great love in his heart for you, the Messenger of Allah, and your religion. Make him a Muslim who carries out his obligations with heart and right intentions, give him always try to live according to your rules, make it easy for him to leave everything that violates your rules, improve his life, make it easy for all his business, bestow his blessings full of Your blessings, bestow blessings at all times, make him the best leader for himself, his family, and his environment. keep his holiness, keep him from evil and cunning of his devils and armies who try to lead him astray. Get rid of laziness in him, give him instructions on what you want him to fight for, clarify his vision, and preserve his heart O Allaah.

I Share this du'a for a purpose to encourage other to make some kind of dua for their future spouse in their daily basis. Just imagine, if everyone makes this kind of beautiful dua for someone else everyday. One of them couldn't be for YOU. Wouldn't it help you a lot in your way to be a better person? There is a hadith said that everytime a person makes dua to other there is an angel that pray for the du'a maker and said "and for you too". Also don't forget that one of mustajab du'a is the dua that sent by other.

and why should it be for the spouse?
Well, you can make it for others like for your friends or family or whomsoever. But I'm pretty sure you guys have already make du'a for your parents and family in your daily basis. Another reason, And this is the first reason anyway, that people tend to pray sincerely and wholeheartly as if they make du'a for theirself or even more, when it's about their future spouse. So what are you waiting for? Make your own du'a now, and please never forget to said Alhamdulillah for everything that happened in your life, also consciously realize that every good things that happen in your life is because the mercy of Allaah. Allaah might just give it to you because he is a bounteous giver or it might because Allah listen the du'a from others for you whether it's from your parents or someone else you've never expected 🌷


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