Some people know me as an introvert, for some, known me as an extrovert, and talk a lots. For some people, I am also known as a stubborn person, but others know me as a gentle like a mother,, hehe Some people judge me as an arrogant's. But while others judge me as someone who could be the most comfortable place to always talked and sharing about anything, leaning their head on my shoulders. In some people I am known as a very ignorant, uncaring person. But some of them also know me as someone who is too caring, even for the slightest thing about them, and they always happy if I always pay attention to every detail of them.. :D there are some who feel unimportant to greet me when we meet. But some others also hug me without doubt if we accidentally met on the street, and some place. Some people have their own interpretations then choose to leave. There are also those who only hear from others about me, but as if they already feel very familiar and know a lot about me. B...