Have you ever been asked about, "Why are you not married ?, when other people who are the same age as you are married. Some even get married at a young age, then when is your turn? Are you not afraid of your age?" Let me say something, "Marriage is not about age; it's about finding the right person, finding a person who can accept all of you, in and out, not about the good thing about you, but for the bad side too. Marriage is said to be a sacred institute, it is about not only about two people coming together but also about two families coming together. Age might just be a number, but how much is that important when two people are getting married. Age brings to maturity, and no one can define the right age of maturity or for that matter, the right age to marry. A person who is just 18 years old, but looks after the entire household along with looking after a sick parent would be more mature than a 40-year-old person, who never had a worry in the world. Maturity co...
"Yaa, Allaah, if you prepare a soul for You to be my partner life's to the marriage bond, then please, Allaah, point his soul to Your way in still great love in his heart for you, the Messenger of Allah, and your religion. Make him a Muslim who carries out his obligations with heart and right intentions, give him always try to live according to your rules, make it easy for him to leave everything that violates your rules, improve his life, make it easy for all his business, bestow his blessings full of Your blessings, bestow blessings at all times, make him the best leader for himself, his family, and his environment. keep his holiness, keep him from evil and cunning of his devils and armies who try to lead him astray. Get rid of laziness in him, give him instructions on what you want him to fight for, clarify his vision, and preserve his heart O Allaah. I Share this du'a for a purpose to encourage other to make some kind of dua for their future spouse in their...